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Parsers and Encoders Everywhere

Published: 06/23

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In this article, I'd like to describe my experience learning about parsers.

I first came across parsers while learning about compilers. Parsers are components in software that allow programs to extract structured data encoded in a string or byte array (if any part of that doesn't make sense yet, don't worry, we will discuss all of this at length in this post).

After being introduced to parsers, I wanted to learn everything about them. I wanted to know the best approaches for building parsers. I wanted to understand how different parsing algorithms stack up against each other. I wanted to develop an intuition for the mechanism that makes a parser tick.

As it turns out, understanding parsing is a tricky business. A lot of theory is involved, and the resources available are terse. I spent many months trying to learn about parsers, and while I learned a lot, I can’t say that I really “get” parsers.

Somewhere along the way, though, I started focusing on how parsers can be used rather than how they can be implemented. This shift in focus made me appreciate parser's use in many contexts beyond compilers. I started to see parsing as a component in almost every program I use.

In this post, I’ll recount my process of learning parsers and detail how my thinking changed over time. I'll describe my struggles trying to learn parsing, talk about how I came to see parser's broad applicability, and give some examples of parsers in software.

This is a long and casual read. I hope you enjoy it.

1: Encountering and attempting to learn parsers

I encountered parsers as a topic worth studying while learning about compilers.

Parsers: a phase in a compiler

Compilers, and their siblings, like interpreters and virtual machines, are the family programs that transform software written in high-level languages like C, Python, and Java into binary instructions that run on a specific computer. Compilers are programs that take the text of a program in a language like C as input and transform that program into a binary executable file that can be run on a computer.

Compilers are organized as a series of phases which can be grouped into the compiler’s frontend and backend. The frontend is responsible for processing the text of your program, while the backend is responsible for optimizing your program and outputting instructions for the target machine.

compiler phases with distinction highlighting frontend and backend phases

Within the compiler frontend, two phases are responsible for extracting structure from the input program's text: the lexer and parser.

The lexer processes a program's text character by character and outputs a stream of tokens. It transforms our program by grouping the input characters together into a series of tokens. The lexer passes these tokens to the parser, which builds an abstract syntax tree representing the program's structure.

input string being transformed by lexer into token stream, that token stream is then transformed by a parser into a tree

At the risk of sounding dramatic, I believe that the parser’s task is, in its own way, miraculous. The parser extracts a multi-dimensional structure out of a simple one-dimensional list of tokens. Other compiler phases may apply transformations to that structure, but it is the parser that bootstraps the compiler up from a meager ol' list of words to a meaningful representation of a program.

Down the parsing rabbit hole

Parsing wholly captured my interest. I wanted to deeply understand parsers and would spend as much time as needed to develop that understanding.

Most compiler resources cover parsers in some depth, and so I began there. Some of the books hold your hand through a parser implementation or two, while others teach you how to use a parser generator. Some give a brief overview of the theory that backs parsers, and others forgo the theory entirely. While working through these resources, I was learning the names of the parsing algorithms and absorbing the acronyms and jargon... but the essence of parsing remained elusive.

Unsatisfied with the compiler resources, I decided to take some steps back and view the problem at a high level. I would find generic, non-compiler-related resources on parsing. If you search around for a definition of a parser in the context of computer science, you are very likely to find something along the lines of:

Parsers are software components or programs that analyze input data by following predefined rules or patterns. Their main objective is to examine a sequence of symbols or tokens and understand their intended structure and meaning.

Reading a definition like this, we see that a parser takes a stream of input characters and outputs something that is structured and meaningful. I feel that broad definitions like these are scant on details and lend parsers an almost mystic quality… Parsers find meaning in symbols. Parsers extract structure from the structureless. Parsers extract meaning and truth from all. Parsers are the one ring to rule them all.

Needless to say, I was going to need resources that went into more depth.

parser transforming random stream of tokens and input symbols from a number of non english character sets into the phrases 'meaning? structure? semantics? truth? liberation? who knows?'

Seeking a deeper intuition for parsing, I decided to explore the theory that underpins parsers. (This line of exploration turned out to be a deep rabbit hole that I would spend a lot of time climbing out of.)

Parsers are, at their core, a way to process text. There are two interconnected theories that form the basis for parsers. Formal language theory: a field concerned with how text is structured with grammars to form languages, and automaton theory: a field about abstract computing machines that process input streams of text.

These two fields provide the theoretical backdrop for parsers, and I felt this theory would be a good place to learn what parsers are all about. So I read books, articles, and papers about parsers in this theoretical context.

cartoon depiction of a number of books related to parsing theory. Books include 'On Certain Properties of Grammars' by Noam Chompsky, 'On Computable Numbers' by Alan Turing, 'Formal Languages and their Relation to Automaton' by Jeffrey Ulman and John Hopcroft, and 'Syntax in Universal Translation' byt Itiroo Sakai

From formal language theory, I was reading about grammar, syntax, and semantics, trying to learn how different grammar constructions define certain classes of languages. From automaton theory, I was reading about finite state machines, push down automata, turing machines, and all of their deterministic and non-deterministic variants.

Learning the theory behind parsing gave me a new vocabulary and set of tools for describing and classifying parsers. The reading I was doing helped me see how parsers are intimately tied with specific automata and specific grammars. The theory taught me a great deal, but I had strayed too far from my initial application and wasn't finding the applied understanding I wanted.

I decided to come back from academic theory and focus on applied algorithms. Soon, I was comparing grammar subsets like LL, LR, SALR, and LALR. I was writing LL and LR parsing compatible grammars. I was learning about parsers defined with P.E.Gs. Again, I was learning but not grasping the underlying concepts. Perhaps this was a result of the alphabet soup of parsing acronyms, or maybe I had just been reading about parsers for too long.

a bowl of soup, but the soup has the following acronyms floating in it: CFG, LR(K), CYK, PDA, SALR, PDA, LALR, LL(K), PEG, BNF

None of the resources I worked through gave me the clear understanding I was looking for. I haven't had that “ah-ha” moment where the mechanism behind a parser clicks into focus.

The core difficulty in learning parsing is that it is a subject that straddles theoretical computer science and applied programming. Resources on the topic often are either too shallow and focus on teaching one parsing approach without breaching the theory or are too theoretical and divorced from any actual application.

To truly understand parsing, one needs to know how the core parsing algorithms are manifestations of the underlying parsing theory. While I am hopeful that one day parsers and the theory that underlies them will come into focus for me, that day has yet to come.

Thankfully though, I did come to an understanding that helped me see how broadly applicable parsers are.

2: Coming to see parser's broad applicability

At some point in my process of learning about parsing theory, I came to a realization about what parsers do. I realized that there is a simple definition describing parsers that highlights how they can be used rather than how they can be constructed.

Viewing parsers in this new light helped me see that parsers are incredibly applicable beyond compilers. I started to notice that parsing, on some level, was incorporated into most programs I use.

A clarifying definition of parsing

Parsers (and their inverse: encoders) allow us to efficiently encode and decode complex structured data like graphs, trees, and dictionaries using flat data structures like strings and arrays of bytes.

depiction of multiple data data structure like a nested list, a dictionary, a tree and a graph being encoded to and parsed from strings

This definition is only a slight rephrasing of other common definitions for parsers. Still, something about this particular phrasing stuck with me, so I want to develop the ideas behind it.

The same definition, in two parts

Let's break down that definition into two parts to really absorb it:

Parsers (and their inverse: encoders) allow us to efficiently encode and decode complex structured data like graphs, trees, and dictionaries using flat data structures like strings and arrays of bytes.

What exactly do we mean by complex structured data? When I say structured data, imagine data structures like lists, graphs, trees, and dictionaries. Imagine any set of data that has values with mixed types. Data where each datum has relationships to other data.

Every program, at some level, uses structured data. After all, it has been said that <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algorithms_%2B_Data_Structures_%3D_Programs"

programs = data structures + algorithms</a . In many ways, all software creates, modifies, or exports structured data based on program inputs and external events.

Image depicting a tree being updated in response to multiple user events

Now let’s turn to the second part of the definition:

Parsers (and their inverse: encoders) allow us to efficiently encode and decode complex structured data like graphs, trees, and dictionaries using flat data structures like strings and arrays of bytes

Why are we so focused on strings and arrays of bytes? Why is it useful to use strings and byte arrays as a medium for our structured data?

Often, multiple programs need to communicate and share structured data with each other. The programs may share whole copies of their internal structure or send small structured requests and responses. But, there is always some exchange of structured data.

Programs have many interfaces available to communicate, from file IO, to sockets or shared memory. Many of these standard interfaces that programs use to communicate with each other require that the data being sent is in the form of a string or byte array.

It is because of these communication interfaces that strings and byte arrays are so relevant.

Our programs want to communicate structured data with each other, but they only can send strings and arrays. Parsers and encoders will allow our programs to transform their structured data into those strings and arrays and back.

Two programs communicating with strings

It may belabor the point for some readers, but I want to linger on the idea that parsers and encoders allow programs to communicate structured data using string and byte array interfaces. This idea may seem obvious, and not seem worth spending time on, but deeply considering this thought helped me see that parsers and encoders are essential in almost all software.

We’ll examine the relationship between programs, interfaces, and parsers & encoders by looking at multiple situations in which two abstract programs might need to communicate. These examples will instill the idea that most interfaces necessitate that programs use some form of parsers and encoders.

Let's begin by considering two programs, A and B, running on the same computer. These programs want to communicate some structured data to each other using the operating system. With the OS's interfaces, like sockets, files, and pipes, the message our programs transmit and receive will need to be strings or arrays of bytes. Because of this, the programs will need to leverage an encoder and parser in order to convert the structured data to and from strings.

depiction of Program A using an encoder to send a data structure to program B through an operating system interface. Program B uses a parser to read that data

Let's consider a similar example: two programs running on separate machines that want to communicate. The operating system provides interfaces for programs to do this -- likely some version of sockets -- and these interfaces also require that the data being sent is in the format of a string or array of bytes. So, yet again, the programs will need encoders and parsers.

depiction of Program A using an encoder to send a data structure to program B through the internet. Program B uses a parser to read that data

Now let's consider two programs that wish to communicate some information but are not running simultaneously. The sending program will need to write the data it wants to send in a file so that the receiving program can open it later. Files are simply long arrays of bytes stored in a device that gives them persistence, so again, parsers and encoders are necessary.

depiction of Program A using an encoder to send a data structure to program B through a file. Program B uses a parser to read that data

In most situations where two programs must communicate, we will see parsers and encoders at the edges of our programs' functionality. These parsers and encoders enable the use of so many string and byte array interfaces.

Humans and programs communicating with strings

All of the examples thus far have focused on situations in which programs need to communicate with other programs. To take things in a slightly more abstract direction, we can consider cases where the sender is a person and the receiver a program.

When a person has an idea of the structured data they want to communicate to a program, they can capture their message by encoding that structured concept into a file. This may seem odd, but it is more common than you may realize.

When you are writing config files for some program like your text editor, or even when you are carefully assembling your arguments for some script on the command line, you are taking your structured concept about what you want the program to do and encoding that data into a string. Then, the program will take that string and parse it in order to decide what to do!

depiction of a human manually encoding information into a file that a program then extracts using a parser

We can also consider the inverse arrangement with a program communicating with a person using strings. This may seem strange at first, but if we think abstractly, this is what programs that write log files or provide stack traces are doing. Those programs encode some information about their internal state as a string in a format that a person can quickly parse and understand.

depiction of a program encoding information into a file that a human then manually parses

(Dear reader, as it turns out, you and I were the ones parsing and encoding all along 💛)

Seeing parsers and encoders everywhere

The critical observation I want to highlight with all of these examples is that whenever your program communicates with anything or anyone, it is likely that the program is using a string or array of bytes as the communication medium. And whenever your program communicates with strings, there is likely a parser or encoder somewhere.

That parser or encoder may be a tiny bit of functionality at the edge of your program's overall purpose. It may be a library you imported, or it may be a handcrafted little string processor that you didn't even realize was a parser or encoder to begin with. But it is there!

When that really sinks in, it becomes hard to think about programs that don't involve parsing or encoding. This, for me, was a big realization. Before learning about parsers, I assumed they were just a phase in a compiler that may or may not be worth spending time on. But after learning a bit about parsers, I'm seeing parsers in almost every program I use. That is a big turnaround.

3: Parsers and encoders in the real world

We've talked a lot about parsers and encoders in the context of two abstract programs, A and B. I have boldly claimed that parsers and encoders are everywhere, in all the software you use, right under your nose! So now, I will back up that claim by looking at real world technologies and programs. We'll discuss the formats of strings programs use to encode structured data, and we'll discuss the kinds of structured data that programs encode.

Data serialization formats: JSON XML YAML, oh my

In the examples above, we looked at programs communicating with strings using many interfaces. However, I was vague about the contents of those strings. I didn't describe how we represent structured data in a string, but it's about time we describe how that works. So, let's look at the string formats that are used in practice to actually transmit structured data between programs.

There are many formats for writing structured data in strings or byte arrays. These formats will likely be familiar to most software developers. JSON, XML, and YAML are all examples of string formats that allow us to encode data structures with strings. Several data exchange formats, such as protobuf or FlatPack, use binary rather than strings as their encoding format. All of these formats, binary or string based, can all be called data serialization or data exchange formats.

These data serialization formats provide a well-defined pattern for representing common data structures like dictionaries and nested arrays in strings or binary. Two programs can effectively use one of these formats as a common tongue when communicating structured data. So, a Java program can encode an ArrayList of Hashmaps into a JSON string and send that data to a JS program to extract it as an array of objects. By using an agreed-upon data serialization format, the two programs can be sure that the structure of the data they share will be preserved. This works even though a Java program and a JS program represent lists and dictionaries in entirely different ways.

Consider two programs A and B communicating with a simple dictionary using JSON on different machines. These two programs could be written in any programming language and internally represent that dictionary in any way they please. But by using JSON, neither program needs to concern itself with the other program's internal representation of the dictionary.

depiction of program A using JSON.encode to transmit data to program B

As mentioned above, JSON is not the only option for a data serialization format. There are many others, each with its own pros and cons.

Many formats have slightly different ergonomics or use unique terminology to describe their interfaces. For example, some formats use the terms 'encode' and 'parse' while others use terms like 'marshal' and 'unmarshal' or 'serialize' and 'deserialize.' Despite each format's different word choices, they all describe the same thing.

(During the rest of the article, I will start to use the terms serialize and deserialize interchangeably with encode and parse. I am doing this to add some variety to my word choice. I am not making any significant distinction between the two.)

depiction of using the words encode, serialize and marshal interchangeably and also showing parse, deserialize, and unmarshal used interchangeably

Beyond the surface-level difference in jargon, there are more substantial differences worth discussing between the different formats.

In terms of readability, JSON strikes a nice balance between being easily readable by humans and programs. Consequently, it is useful for data exchanged between programs that may also need to be edited or viewed by a person. It also is a somewhat dense encoding, meaning that most of the characters used in a JSON string are significant data, and fewer characters are used to capture its syntax. JSON is not without flaws, though. Some peculiarities in the JSON specification can come around to bite an unassuming user (see: <a href="http://seriot.ch/projects/parsing_json.html"

Parsing JSON is a minefield 💣</a ). As someone who works a lot with javascript, I happen to particularly like the aesthetics of JSON, but many others do not 🤷

Other formats can be more flexible and may simplify the encoding of complex data structures. XML might be one such format. A format like XML may be useful for encoding data that is organized in a very bespoke way with many domain-specific names and relationships. But, XML is also very verbose. Representing simple structures in XML can require a lot of tags and thus, a lot of extra data. This verbosity is a part of the reason that XML is no longer a stylish choice for a data serialization format, but there is more at work leading to XMLs downfall (see: XML sucks).

Others like YAML and TOML prioritize being easily human-readable. These data formats are handy for contexts where the data is primarily written by a human and passed to a program. These formats are aesthetically lightweight enough to feel natural, but can be challenging to work with as the encoded data becomes more and more complex. Most of this stems from the fact that YAML is a much more complex encoding than you may at first realize (see: <a href="https://ruudvanasseldonk.com/2023/01/11/the-yaml-document-from-hell"

the YAML document from hell</a ).

depiction of the same type of data structure represented in XML, JSON, and YAML

Other formats like protobufs and flatpack serialize data structures directly into a binary format. This makes it nearly impossible for a person to parse these formats just by looking at them. But what they lack in readability, they make up for with efficiency. The information encoded in binary can be much denser than the same information encoded using strings. Delimiters and separators in binary formats can be a couple of bits rather than entire characters. By disregarding an emphasis on human readability, these formats can also be designed to be parsed or encoded much quicker than a format like JSON or XML.

These binary formats really shine in contexts where performance is essential. It is not uncommon to see these formats used in interactions between high throughput micro-services or processes running on the same machine that communicate heavily.

depiction of the same type of data structure represented in XML, JSON, and YAML

Opinions can get heated about the pros and cons of each of these formats. Searching "Everything wrong with $data_serialization_format" will yield many blog posts and Hacker News comments lamenting each of these formats.

These data interchange formats show up everywhere. You see them in database rows, you see them as payloads in apis, you see them as formats for config files, and you see them as ways to communicate between different programs. These formats are really what make so many string and binary interfaces between programs usable for complex tasks.

Seeing parsers and encoders in real programs

If you squint hard enough at most programs, you can eventually find a parser or encoder somewhere in its functionality. As we mentioned in an earlier section, most programs have a parser or encoder somewhere at the edges of their functionality.

For example, consider programs like Word, Keynote, or Photoshop. All of these programs allow users to create, update, and share digital projects of some form or another. At first, it may seem like parsers and encoders have nothing to do with these programs. But it turns out they are relevant in a number of ways.

One of the more apparent ways these programs rely on parsers and encoders is in the file formats they use for saving projects. Each program has a file type that can be used to save and share the application’s project state.

These files encode the structured data needed to open a project that was previously loaded in one of these applications. These file formats allow a program to store the state necessary for the application to close and reopen while keeping the project data exactly where you left off. The file formats can be binary or textual representation of that structured data.

This all should be starting to sound familiar. These programs encode structured project data in a string or binary format. Parsers and encoders are the key that allows these programs to save project files.

I’ll illustrate the point in detail with a Photoshop .psd project file. For some photoshop project, we will have a set of structured data that the application needs for our project; it will include the images, the layers, and the effects that compose the project. When we write that data out to a .psd file, we will use a .psd specific encoder, and when we read that data back, we will use a .psd parser.

depiction of the same type of data structure represented in XML, JSON, and YAML

Now let’s consider another example.

Software engineers work with command line programs day-in and day-out. Programs like git, curl and vim can all be run from the command line. Where can we find the parsers and encoders in these programs?

Again, at least one example can be found at the edges of their functionality. Each of these programs has a set of possible input parameters and configurations. We can invoke each of the programs with specific options like -l or -h, or pass arguments values as arguments with fields like -m “my message.”

All of these arguments and options are passed as one long string of words to the running program; it is up to the program to determine what options were set, how arguments are passed to those options, and so on.

In this case, we programmers encode our intention for the program into a string and the program parses that structured intention. Even though there are a set of conventions for the structure of command line interfaces, each program can implement its interface however it pleases. Each program can build its own unique argument parser if the author pleases.

We’ve only covered two examples of how parsers and encoders show up in real world software, but hopefully by now, anyone reading along should know how to identify parsers and encoders in the software they are using.

Pretty much any time two programs are communicating… you are going to find a parser or encoder!

4: Takeaways

There are many valuable takeaways in this post about parsers and encoders. You could note that parsers and encoders are fundamental to enable communication between programs. You could take away the idea that programs need contracts for the formats they will use to communicate with each other. You could take away that parsers are pretty neat.

The most important takeaway I gleaned from this experience is that you don’t need to know every detail about how a software component is implemented to have profound insights about how that component is used.

Even with my incomplete and flawed understanding of how parsers are implemented, I still came to appreciate that parsers are used in almost every program. Despite my failed attempts to “learn parsers,” I learned enough about how parsers are used to change how I see almost every program I use.

This may seem like an obvious takeaway, of course, we don’t need to know how every program is constructed, and of course you can have profound realizations about software without knowing the intimate details of how it is built.

But, I find that while learning about software and programming, it is easy to put all of your attention into the nuance of some particular program. It is easy to spend days, weeks, or months worrying about how a program works. Your entire field of vision can quickly zero in on one specific aspect of the program you are working on. When I find myself in those situations, it is helpful to remind myself to take a step back and think about how the software is used rather than how it is built.

So, with all of that said, thanks, parsers, I still don’t really get how you work, but I appreciate the lessons 💛